Review: Courting Justice: Landmark Supreme Court Case Can Offer Justice for U.S. Victims of Iranian Terror
I enjoy books regarding legal cases and situations. The books can be fictional or non-fiction. As long as they retain my interest, I do not care. However, when they do not retain my interest, the books get long and boring and it takes me back to when I had to read The Grapes of Wrath in high school. At first, this book - Courting Justice - was interesting. The introduction written by Mark Dubowitz was well done. It gave a decent explanation regarding what the book was about. After the introduction though, it took quite a different turn. I want to say that the court document was just copied and put into book form. It certainly looks and reads like a court document. And if you have ever read a court document, you know how redundant and boring it can be. Fortunately, when I was working as a reporter, I became skilled at knowing where to look in court documents and skimming through the pages to find what was relevant to what I working on. Out of habit, I took the same approach with this book. Fortunately, it is not incredibly long. If you are interested in Iranian terror, go ahead and read it. If not, skip it. Full disclosure: I was sent this produce free of charge, and received compensation, in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
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