Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Review: 100 Naturals Mind Rite

I recently received another opportunity to review a brain supplement. I love trying out different versions, so I can find the one that helps my brain work at its optimal level.
   When I first began taking 100 Naturals Mind Rite, I did not notice anything right away. It took about a week for any
effects to take hold. Then, the effects were gradual. They grew a little bit every day until two days ago. My clarity and focus do not seem to have improved in these last two days, so I think I have peaked.
   I have been able to get a lot of stuff done during these past two days. There have been no problems with memory or focus. Holding a conversation has been easy. I have not stumbled my words or fretted over what to say next. This is not a "Limitless" pill by any means, but it sure is working for me. And it has natural ingredients, such as ginkgo biloba and St. John's wort. No chemicals involved with this one. Recommended.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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