I am going to breach a subject that may not make me very popular among anybody, really. The liberals may not like my indigenous view. Conservatives may not like my white view, but I have held my tongue for years and things need to be said.
I am a white girl who grew up on the Standing Rock reservation. Yes - the reservation that is leading the charge against the Dakota Access Pipeline. My great grandfather homesteaded on the land and began raising buffalo. He and my great grandmother raised 10 children. Four of those children stayed on the land and raised cattle. My grandfather was one of them. My grandfather and grandmother raised two children on the land. One of those children was my father, who, along with my mother, raised me. We ran cattle on the land that my family owned and on land that we leased from tribal members.
When my father was a child, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe adopted him and named him "Tatanka" in honor of my great grandfather. He still has the headdress that he wore to the ceremony. My grandmother still has the powwow dress that she wore to the ceremony. Both the headdress and the dress are stunning, and are collecting dust. Not because anyone is ashamed of them, but because the fact that we have them, as white people, is not acceptable. These were gifts given to my family by the tribe. Why do we have to hide it?
Because, unfortunately, there is a discrimination that is sent toward white people who live on the reservations. People think we stole the land, that we are treating tribal members badly, that we believe we are superior to the Natives. I can assure you I did not steal land, neither did my father, grandfather or great grandfather. My great grandfather bought it. Now, he was able to do so because of the Dawes Act, an act which was not the best thing the federal government passed. After all, it did take land from the Natives that were within boundaries of the reservation. But, I can also assure you that my great grandfather did not buy it with the intentions of sticking it to the Natives. My family has worked hard over the generations to establish and keep good relations with tribal members. Some years have been better than others. Some relations between specific tribal members and specific family members have been better than others, but all in all it has not been bad. That is the story that can be applied to every single relationship on the planet!
I can assure you we are not treating tribal members badly. Mostly, we go about our business of raising cattle. I can assure you we do not believe we are superior to Natives. If we believed that, we would not have friendships with tribal members.
Now, as a child, I was met with flat-out racism, but it was certainly not in abundance. The vast majority of tribal members I met were kind and gracious. They let me spend weekends at their homes with their children and my family would let their children come into our home for the weekends. I was introduced to delicious authentic Lakota foods and received some lessons in beading.
I recall one friend, in a small town called Little Eagle. Almost every weekend, one of us was staying at the other's home. The most vivid memory I have of my time with her family was their love of professional wrestling, her dad's impression of the Ultimate Warrior (which still makes me laugh) and a prayer her dad said before we ate supper. He prayed for a cure for my Type 1 diabetes. I had never heard anyone pray for me to be cured before. They really gave me a home away from home.
It is those times that construct most of my memories with the Lakota. The few times I was met with racism - those were a few bad apples. And those bad apples can be found among every race of people, but it seems nowadays those apples are more plentiful.
However, the discrimination now is coming from the outside. It is coming from people who have a deep sympathy for the indigenous people and for the wrongs that the government did to them. There were wrongs - horrific wrongs. There is no argument about that. But, how is telling me and my family about perceived sins against Natives righting those wrongs? How is creating a greater divide between whites and Natives righting those wrongs?
Do you think, maybe just maybe, you are making it worse? Do you think, maybe just maybe, you should work on your own discrimination against whites on the rez? Do you think, maybe just maybe, that might be a small part of bringing Native and whites together in unity? Something to think about.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Review: Swissvita Micrite 3D all Use Eye Cream

crying for a while. I knew the wetness was from an effort to make the puffs go away.
I vowed that I would never get those puffs. Here I am in my mid-thirties and I have managed to keep the puffs at bay, even though the dark circles are still there. I have used a variety of products in my quest to stave off the wet puffs, such as this eye cream.
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I use it in the morning and at night, and it is more of a gel than a cream. And it is because of the gel-like quality that I recommend you do this a while before you have to leave the house. That way, you will not have that wet, crying look under your eyes.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Review: InstaNatual Dual Mattifying Toner

This product is to help combat skin oils. By combating
those oils, you are less likely to have blemishes and that is always a good thing. I have combination skin, which means both dry and oily. The oily part of my face is primarily my nose, which tends to have blackheads - more than I like. Since I began using this, I notice I still have blackheads, but they are not showing up as fast as they used to. My skin definitely feels different when I use it. While it feels healthier (especially my nose), my skin does not feel as silky. It is still silky after I apply moisturizer (which you need to do after using the toner), but it is not as silky. However, I do love the lovely matte look it gives my skin. My nose is definitely not as shiny as it once was. I am not a fan of the smell. I wish I could tell you exactly what it smells like, but it is difficult to pinpoint. That being said, it does not smell so bad nor so overwhelming that I will stop using it.
When you get this product, make sure you give it a good shake before you use it because natural separation will occur. After you wash your face, pat the toner onto your skin, avoiding the lips and eyes. Since it is a liquid, there is not a lot of density, so you will not need a whole lot. After you have your skin covered, let the toner dry and then apply a moisturizer.
If you are like me and you are focused on good skin care, I recommend this.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Monday, October 31, 2016
Review: InstaNatural Cellulite Cream

But, still the appearance of cellulite is not appealing. It is not very attractive at all. While exercise and a proper diet are the biggest combatants in your fight against cellulite, some good creams will lend their aid.
I recommend trying out this one to get that extra boost you might be looking for. I have been using it for about a week and I am pleased with the results. Now, my cellulite is still there. There has not been a huge difference in the appearance since I started, but there has been a small amount. What I particularly love is that is that my skin is feels smooth and silky.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Friday, October 14, 2016
Review: Profession Gurus Consulting Software

I began taking a few college courses to help me on my quest to find my answer. I knew I had to get a degree (which I did not have while I was working as a journalist), but what to get a degree in? I had a few interests, but were any of them practical? Would I be happy doing any of them as a career? I used a variety of mediums to help me figure it out and one of them was Profession Gurus Consulting Software.
For a while, I was considering an engineering or technology-based degree (and who knows, I might choose one again). There is a very good school not far from me that offers degrees in those fields. The Profession Gurus Consulting Software helped me decide that at this point in time, those degrees might not be the best choice for me. But in using said software, it helped me determine which fields might work for me and which might not. You can talk to people who are in the profession in which you have an interest, learn more about what it is really like.
It is important to note that engineering or technology-based degrees are the only fields offered on Profession Gurus Consulting Software. It is a good tool for those who are considering such careers or who are certain they want to pursue a career in said fields.
Full disclosure: I was compensated for this review in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Monday, October 10, 2016
Review: BenQ e-Reading LED Desk Lamp

For one, the directions to put it together are super easy. It is three easy steps before you plug the lamp in. Second, this is a quality made lamp. The base of the lamp is heavy. You know that this will not be tipping over (and if you do not want to
use the base, you can order a table clip separately). The joints on the arm of the lamp are strong. I actually stood this thing straight up and there was no giving whatsoever.
The lamp itself has a full degree of motion. There is no place in your room that you cannot point the lamp, no matter where it is sitting. It is touch-activated. You simply touch the metal loop on the top to turn it on and off. If you touch the loop for two seconds while the lamp is on, you will activate the Eye-care Mode, which adjusts the lamp to the ambient light already in the room. You will know the Eye-care Mode is on when a green light appears by the loop.
That is a wonderful feature to have, especially since this lamp can get incredibly bright. If you do not want the Eye-care Mode, but you do want the light dimmer, simply adjust it using the knob on top. There is nothing about this lamp that I do not love. I love the look. I love the function. I love this lamp!
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Review: Lia Medical Tourniquet Trauma Kit

A tourniquet kit was one thing I was missing in my first aid closet. However, I acquired this Lia Medical tourniquet kit. It comes with one tourniquet (obviously), one bandage and one emergency blanket. I am certified in first aid, so I took the classes and practiced tourniquets during the course. I am confident that I can use this kit if the need should ever arise - which I pray it does not.
My husband wants to add this to his bug-out bag, which I am not opposed to. If a time should come when we do have to flee our home, I would prefer the tourniquet be in the bag. And if I ever should need it here at home, I know exactly where the bug-out bag is. It will take me just as long to get the tourniquet out of the bag as it would the closet.
I made sure this tourniquet was not cheaply made. It would not be good if it would break in the middle of tightening it. My husband loaned me his arm and it passed the test. There were no problems, not even concerns that it might not hold.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Sunday, October 9, 2016
Review: Jackyled Reacher Grabber

However, I have a couple family members who have fully accepted an easier lifestyle - my grandparents. They are
enjoying sitting in their chairs, watching television, whining about politicians, eating cookies and sleeping. They worked hard their entire lives (my grandfather is a World War II veteran) and they have earned the right to relax for the rest of their lives, as far as I am concerned. So, this grabber is going to go to them. Grandma can sit in her chair, watch Jeopardy and use the grabber to reach for and acquire the glass of water she set on down. She will not have to worry about getting up out of the chair and grabbing her walker just to lean over for her water glass.
Hey. It's the little things in life.
This particular grabber by Jackyled is very lightweight, so I do not need to worry about Grandma and Grandpa not being able to lift it. And as long as they use the lever on the side of the handle, they should be able to pick up almost anything. I did not use the lever at first and I dropped a glass. It was a test. I have been able to even pick a coin up off of my kitchen linoleum floor and a full can of tomato soup from my cabinet. So, a variety of shapes and weights can be lifted with this.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Review: MySlimEz Forskolin

Now, this is only the second brand of forskolin that I have tried, and I have to admit that this one is not as good as the first. Do not get me wrong, it still works but for me, personally, just not as well.
MySlimEz claims to help boost metabolism and support weight loss. I have lost weight since I began taking it. I have lost five pounds. So, there is proof enough that it is not just another empty weight loss supplement. However, I do not feel an increase of energy with this one. Before when I took forskolin, I felt a steady supply of energy throughout the day - enough to keep up with my three-year-old son. That is the only downside to this particular brand of forskolin for me. You might have another result. Everyone's body chemistry is different. After all, I am experiencing weight loss with the product. Now, I should note that this brand of forskolin does not claim to increase energy.
With that being said, I would recommend you give this a try. You may have different results than I did, but at least some results will be seen.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Review: Flanax

I had never heard of Flanax until recently. So, I wanted to give it a try. Let me just say - I made a good call. Let me explain.
Over the years, I have built a tolerance to over-the-counter pain relievers (I started getting frequent migraines when I was in the fourth grade). I do not like taking more than two pills at a time because I worry about the long-term effect on my liver. So, when I got Flanax, I took two (as directed) for my headache. Within forty-five minutes, my pain had reduced. It was not gone, but there was a significant decrease. A few hours later when the pain started to build again, I took one more (the directions state that you should start with two, but do not exceed three within a twenty-four hour span). My pain relief continued throughout the day.
I love the fact that this is also a fever reducer. My husband and I do not usually get fevers, but when we do, it really takes a toll. My husband usually sleeps throughout the day. I do not sleep, but my thinking becomes erratic. There is no sense going on in my thought process when I get a fever. I have not been able to test Flanax on fevers yet, but since it seemed to work with pain, I am confident it will work just as well with a fever.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge, and received compensation, in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Review: Olivia and Joy Control Top Panty Hose

First of all, I have long legs and more often than not, the crotch of panty hose fall much below where it should. When I get bigger sizes, then they are tall enough, but the legs are too loose and I have all of these wrinkles all over my calves and thighs. Fortunately that has not happened with these panty hose. They fit perfectly.

I also need panty hose that do not snag and tear on everything. These have stood the test of two wedding receptions. If they can take that, they can take anything. Of course, you have to take care of the panty hose properly. For one - do not put them in the washer. Please wash them by hand. This will help ensure that they do not fall apart. All in all though, these are not a bad pair to have on hand.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Review: Jackyled LED Filament ST64 Edison Bulb

Such as this one.
This light bulb definitely has the Edison look going on. I love how it looks in my bedside lamp. The light that emanates from it is perfect - not too bright and not too dim. Speaking of dim, this is not a dimmable light. What you get out of it will not change. What will change is your electricity bill. This is an LED light bulb, so it will not suck as much of your electricity. It will also last longer.
This is not a bad bulb to try out in your home.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Review: Grace Karin Women's Elastic Belt

This belt however, fits what I am looking for. First and foremost, it is comfortable. Now, it is a stretchy plus-size belt. I have been losing weight and it did not stretch to accommodate my waist line, so I think I will get maybe six months worth of wear out of it. Which is unfortunate. I love the way it hugs my curves and there is no pinching involved. I certainly don't feel like it is trying to strangle me.
The second thing I love about this belt is the look of it. I prefer black belts anyway, but the clasp is striking. It is very monochromatic, so it will go with any outfit you decide to wear. So far, I have worn it with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and with a skirt and V-neck blouse. Pairing my knee-high boots with the skirt, blouse and belt really created a wonderful look.
The clasp may look complicated, but it really isn't. It is quite easy to attach and detach. So easy in fact, I was afraid it would just pop off while I was wearing it, but it did not. All in all, wonderful accessory for your wardrobe.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Review: Nutri Lifescience Nutri Testo

Now, my husband and I have only recently started this supplement and it took a few days to feel any kind of surge in energy. The wait was well worth it. It was not like drinking a 5 Hour or an energy drink. It was a steady energy that lasted throughout the day. Granted, neither one of us are playing a lot of sports right now. He needs knee surgery and I need hip surgery, but it sure is nice to feel like I can play a good game of volleyball without puttering out. It is important to note that while this might increase your energy, it is not to be used to lower the number on your scale.
We have also both noticed a better night's sleep. Again, that effect occurred a few days after beginning. My husband, in particular, has been sleeping better.
Since we have always had a healthy sex life, we have not noticed much of a difference in the claim to enhance our libidos. However, if it works on more than one claim, I am assuming it will work just as well on others.
The products and the information provided about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge, and received compensation, in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Review: Mia Sarine Women's Stud Earrings

I recently acquired these stud earrings from Mia Sarine
because they certainly look different than any other stud earrings I have ever worn. For one, they are not exactly circular. They are more square with rounded corners. They are also sterling silver covered in 18k gold. I normally just favor silver. However, my husband is a fan of how gold looks on me, so I do wear it often.
After I put these studs in, I looked to see how they appeared on my ear lobes. They are not a bad fit. They are not so small that they are almost invisible, and they are not so huge to overtake my ears. What I especially love about them is that there is almost no weight to them. I hate the feeling of my lobes getting stretched out.
I would recommend these.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Review: Classique Butter Knife and Honey Dipper

It is a well-constructed butter knife. I particularly love the handle. It is not decorated in any way, but rather it is made to fit into a person's hand. The grip is incredibly comfortable. The blade however. I am not sure about the blade. Let me say this - if you do not have a dishwasher, this might be difficult to clean. There are holes on this blade, so the butter just stays in the holes. The first time I used the knife, I put it in the dishwasher afterward and it came out just fine. The second time I used it, I tried to hand wash it (even though I hate hand washing, I wanted to see how difficult it might be for someone to clean this). Let's just say it took a lot longer than your standard butter knife. So, I will be using this knife as the table butter knife for holiday feasts. It is lovely enough to do that.
The honey dipper is wood, but the grooves are not as prominent as other dippers I have seen. I've seen quite a bit of them. Every year, I get some honey from local bee farmers. Honey is a big deal in my house. My last honey dipper broke, so I have been without one, but I will see how well this dipper works. I have not yet received my honey, so unfortunately I cannot test it just yet.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Review: Toolsand Electric Pencil Sharpener

The sharpener uses two AA batteries, which are easy enough to come by. But, an added boon is that when the batteries die and you perhaps do not have any more, the sharpener does not need to just collect dust. It has a hand sharpening option. Just switch it over, insert the pencil and twist.
This sharpener gives pencils a wonderfully fine tip. So far, there has not been a lot of lead breaking occurring. All in all, not a bad sharpener and perfect for little ones in elementary school who can show they are responsible with it. You know, the older ones who will not insert pens or Crayons into it.
Full disclosure: I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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